t-bone as SXSW

Pretty self-explanatory
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t-bone as SXSW

Post by jardine »

at SXSW. Fabulous speech. youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnX-MYwk5Qw

transcript here:
https://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwmusic/ ... W-20190314

I've been re-reading this small snippet as well:
Interviewer: You say the system has been dismantled. What about artists taking things into their own hands and soliciting a fanbase?
T-Bone Burnett: Promoting yourself and all that kind of stuff, that's no way for an artist to live. If you want to be an artist, get in a community. And if you want to be a musician, practice eight hours a day. People tend to want artists to do the same thing, and it is incumbent upon artists to do something that the audience doesn't want -- yet. I'll tell you this. I won't follow an artist who will be led by his audience. Because I don't want to have to follow an artist that I have to lead. (Burnett & Willman 2013)
(T Bone Burnett vs. Silicon Valley: 'We Should Go Up There With Pitchforks and Torches' (Q&A) 7:00 AM PDT 10/31/2013 by Chris Willman.
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/earsho ... lley-65211

somehow this seems connected to the twitter hack?....e.c and t.b. need to do a cd called Fake (one creepy layer underneath the looknow facades)

all very n.b. i think
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Re: t-bone as SXSW

Post by MOJO »

I am not following the connection between the twitter hack (was there one?) and the T Bone speech or T Bone comments. Can you elaborate? Maybe provide more detail on what you believe is the connection between the two?
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Re: t-bone as SXSW

Post by jardine »

something about the behind the scenes manipulation/distortion/faking/hacking/profiting/manipulation and how easy it is becoming to take locales of honest communication and twist them...sometimes, like hacks, just, what? for fun? because you can? [just like you 'can' download all of Look Now from you tube in seconds]. reminds me of t-bone talking about the hidden manipulations of desire in the efficiency movement right up to the [equally] hidden manipulations of and often on-line driven, cycles of fear and xenophobia and misinformation...meanwhile, artists are standing in the middle of this whirlwind.

so, hey, you're right, the connection is quite fuzzy. i did quite a bit of work before retiring (and since) on how the efficiency movement infiltrated education and tore apart fields of longstanding knowledge [and the conscience and ideas of good work that go with them] and turned them into objects to be assembled efficiently. reminds me of t-bone's thoughts on music, its ancestries, and so on. anyway, look now is seeming to me to be more and more about something e.c. has long-since been interested in: the alluring surfaces of fashion and beauty and the gaze and its terrible consequences. t.bone is hinting at another level of terrible, siren-like surface allure that is manipulating us too easily. sorry, more fuzz! what's a retired professor to do, eh?
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Re: t-bone as SXSW

Post by MOJO »

Yeah, sorry prof. jardine, I can’t see the connection. The EC / twitter situation may have something to do with a security issue on Twitter’s end or at the user’s endpoint(s). In any case, it’s always good to change your passwords, update your OS and applications for patches.

The T Bone speech is excellent. Love it. The Internet needs an upgrade on many levels. When you have a handful of companies running it (You know that Amazon’s AWS cloud platform powers a large chunk of the Internet, right?)... along with a consistent and growing disparity between people who have vs have not, we start to lose ground. Our democracy and freedom are at stake. It’s like brave new world kind of stuff. When you think of the possibilities of AI, it gets really creepy and scary.

At least this in my sophomoric take on all of it. I’m so far away from being a professor of anything. I guess I could read a few books... yeah, that might be a good idea.
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Re: t-bone as SXSW

Post by jardine »

[a small apology first (Canadian after all!). i'll stop REALLY soon].

Well, MOJO I think you've got it right there! On the face of it, the internet seems to be what it appears to be, benign, but t-bone details some of its hidden face, hidden powers and potentialities and money and deception. And then, on the face of it, a tweet appears, appears to be real, then disappears, leaving me not sure if the appearance or the disappearance, or both, are the fake.

Funny thing, when even fakery can be faked. There's great evidence that some fake news stories that reflect badly on a person are planted by (and then exposed by) that very person in order to discredit the reporting itself. An old human story of the con, but the electronic power of it now...well, that's what McLuhan envisioned in t-bone's speech. not just the fake make-up of the tarted-up face of look now, but parallel, i think, meant to allure, meant to fool the fool who believes it on behalf of profiting from our being charmed and sucked in.

Check this, then: “'What happens when anyone can make it appear as if anything has happened, regardless of whether or not it did?' technologist Aviv Ovadya warns." (from Warzel, 2017).

Aviv Ovadya coined a term in this interview that scares me deeply: the increase in "reality apathy." Where awareness of the realities we are actually complicit in start to feel irrelevant, as if, well, to quote, "Nothing is real" -- who cares, as long as i can feel satisfied, and who is to say what's real and what can i do anyway? and so on

Like downloading music just because I can, and no longer sensing the suffering of the artist in this act. [see t-bone, re: conscience]. No longer interested in asking who profits from such hiddenness as long as i can get what i want, feeling like i've got away with something with no consequences. It is why, if I listen to something on line and end up liking it, i try as hard as i can to then purchase that music (but t-bone then notes how screwed up this is as well within the regimes of corporate profit and manipulation [hmm. i guess this is why i find the record store e.p. thing annoying. teasing desire and then making not especially available. on my bad days, it makes 'recordstoreday' seem like a cheap parlour trick].

so, MOJO, I think you've got it exactly. i still think that the false fronts of Look Now (me looking at you looking at me looking at how i look at you looking), which e.c. has, for a long time, been both attracted to and repulsed by (an analogy of the performer on stage, too, of course, and mixed in with his affection for his father and leeriness over the staged facades)...well, there is another, more disturbing layer of this sort of mirror play that t-bone hits on. if i were still teaching, that video and transcript would be required reading.

(just fyi, from Warzel (2017). He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He's Worried About an Information Apocalypse. Posted February 11, 2018. Buzzfeed. On-Line:https://www.buzzfeed.com/charliewarzel/ ... b4w0Warzel, 2018)
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Re: t-bone as SXSW

Post by A rope leash »

The Internet has been the harbinger of an apocalypse. Average people have become quite educated in the true ways of the world. It’s a revelation.

I read T-Bone’s speech, and boy is it too little too late. The Monster has decided to reveal itself, and become normalized. One or two more generations, and humans will accept the system of elite global rule. It will probably also require a large war between the superpowers.
One world, one race, one currency…that’s the globalist’s goal. Western countries are obliged to accept refugees from horrible resource wars caused and perpetuated by the Monster itself. The people are not ready for this, it is being forced upon them. Mixing cultures has always been explosive. Folks killing each other is nothing but profit to the Monster. The idea that the small group of people that truly run the world really cares about human beings should be laughable to anyone that is paying attention. There are far too many of us, and it’s time to cull.

T-Bone thinks we can change this. I guess he plans to do this by electing someone? That’s quite naïve. The future is a boot on mankind’s face, and right now, it’s a boot in mankind’s ass. The French have seen the light on this. Capitalism doesn’t work if the people are enslaved by debt. Artificial Intelligence is set to rearrange the economy, and all we can do is hope that it doesn’t work out. Eventually though, a clean disintegration ray will be developed, and the robot that delivers your next Amazon order will also delete you from existence.

Remember, we know who the liars are. All of the major frequencies are owned and controlled by a handful of corporations, all of which have divisions that profit from war. It is in their interest to keep the average person interested in something other than what they are profiting from in places like Syria and Yemen. So, the spotlight is on our petty puppet leaders as they dance the dance of the utterly distracting.

The French understand, and are fed up. This is a huge blow to the globalists. Brexit will be even more disruptive. Sanctions, tariffs, military posturing…it’s all prelude to war.

Nothing is going to stop this…and certainly not the poets.

So get your vest on.
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Re: t-bone as SXSW

Post by jardine »

seemed to me his speech was about each of us developing a conscience (with this being what artists are, or can be, about) and electing this or that politician can't really help with that. I've learned more from e.c. and t.b. [and a long long list] about become alert, remaining compassionate and affectionate to fellow travellers. i find this to be a real refuge away from the panic-inducing (DELIBERATELY panic- and fear-inducing --i'm REALLY easy to manipulate when I get sucked into "that" and roil and rage).

the painful comfort that the artist can provide with producing and offering things of beauty -- these help me turn away from the rattling regimes of efficiency. and when i would write and talk about this, lots and lots of teachers recognized the perniciousness of that regime and how it ran their lives, and they stepped towards each other, supported each other, and still do. I've sent the url for t-bone's speech to dozens of teachers and they are madly in love with something finally being clearly, accurately, evidentially, said out loud.

to be slightly 'eww' about it, following e.c. all these years has made my life a wee bit better, more alert and open than it might have been. beautiful things. beautiful things. to quote james hillman, "only beauty can save the planet."

and just think! we're having this back and forth on an e.c. website and it isn't irrelevant. Look Now is not just another piece of product. It's beautiful and challenging. and so on
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