Elvis in Mary McCartney’s Cookbook “Feeding Creativity”

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sweetest punch
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Elvis in Mary McCartney’s Cookbook “Feeding Creativity”

Post by sweetest punch »

https://www.taschen.com/en/books/photog ... MIQAvD_BwE

McCartney combines her two passions into an irresistible dish, preparing some of her favorite food for friends and family, photographing them, and sharing 60 of her delicious recipes. Featuring amongst others Michelle Yeoh, David Hockney, Drew Barrymore, and Elvis Costello enjoying her nutritious food and convivial chat.
Last edited by sweetest punch on Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis’s recipe in Mary McCartney’s Cookbook “Feeding Creativity”

Post by sweetest punch »

https://www.stern.de/kultur/buecher/mar ... 56670.html

Pad Thai für Simone Ashley, Pasta für Papa Paul: Mary McCartney bekocht die Stars
Mary McCartney liebt das Kochen und die Fotografie. In ihrem Kochbuch "Feeding Creativity" hat sie beides vereint. Die Tochter von Paul McCartney veröffentlicht Rezepte, die sie für prominente Freunde zubereitet hat.

Eigentlich wollte Musiker Elvis Costello während seiner Arbeit in den New Yorker Electric Lady Studios nicht gestört werden. Mary McCartney konnte ihn dennoch überzeugen, bei ihrem Buchprojekt mitzumachen und reichte ihm ein Kirchererbsen-Sandwich. Das kam gut an, am Ende blieben nur Krümel übrig. Für Mary McCartney wurde das Treffen auch zu einer Reise in die eigene Vergangenheit: In den Electric Lady Studios hatte ihre Mutter Linda in den Sechzigern Jimi Hendrix getroffen und fotografiert.

Google translation:

Pad Thai for Simone Ashley, pasta for dad Paul: Mary McCartney cooks for the stars
Mary McCartney loves cooking and photography. She has combined both in her cookbook “Feeding Creativity”. Paul McCartney's daughter publishes recipes she made for celebrity friends.

Musician Elvis Costello actually didn't want to be disturbed while working in New York's Electric Lady Studios. Mary McCartney was still able to convince him to take part in her book project and gave him a chickpea sandwich. That went down well, in the end there were only crumbs left. For Mary McCartney, the meeting also became a journey into her own past: her mother Linda met and photographed Jimi Hendrix in the Electric Lady Studios in the 1960s.
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis’s recipe in Mary McCartney’s Cookbook “Feeding Creativity”

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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