Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Pretty self-explanatory
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sweetest punch
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Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by sweetest punch »

Elvis plays Rivierenhof in Antwerp on July 3: http://m.gva.be/cnt/dmf20180123_0331601 ... ar-deurne/
Last edited by sweetest punch on Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
sulky lad
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 3, 2018

Post by sulky lad »

Well that should guarantee at least two recordings this summer, shouldn't it SP ?! :wink:
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 3, 2018

Post by sheeptotheslaughter »

It is looking good for a few English dates this year other than Manchester.
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 3, 2018

Post by sweetest punch »

Extra concert on Monday July 2, 2018
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by sweetest punch »

July 3 is sold out!
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by Offshoreram »

Ticket purchased for the 2nd

Looks a nice venue, if it doesn’t rain, and good value too. Add in travel and hotel costs then a bit more expensive but we’ll make it a mini road trip
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sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by sweetest punch »

July 2 is now also sold out!
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by sweetest punch »

Interview in London: https://www.humo.be/humo-archief/391123 ... s-costello

Op zoek naar het geheim van Elvis Costello

Maandag 11 juni 2018 - 17:41

'Deze zomer word ik 64 maar ik voel me een stuk jonger dan tien jaar geleden'

'Als je met Allen Toussaint een duet zong, zong je een duet met de geschiedenis van New Orleans maar ook met die van de Britse popmuziek.'

Ooit zei Costello: ‘Mijn grootste doel in het leven is om irritant gevonden te worden.’ Jarenlang slaagde hij daar moeiteloos in, door journalisten af te snauwen en vanop het podium lelijke bekken te trekken naar het publiek. Maar de 63-jarige Brit is milder geworden, zeker sinds hij vijftien jaar geleden trouwde met de Canadese jazzdiva Diana Krall en een paar jaar later vader werd van een tweeling. We treffen in Londen dan ook een joviale Costello, die uitkijkt naar zijn Europese tournee. De locaties, zoals het Openluchttheater Rivierenhof in Deurne, heeft hij zelf uitgezocht.

HUMO Je hebt geen nieuwe plaat uit en toch ga je op tournee door Europa. Dat doe je zelden.

Elvis Costello «Ik heb de afgelopen maanden heel hard gewerkt aan de opnames voor een nieuwe plaat en daarnaast was ik vooral bij mijn gezin. Tussendoor heb ik veel opgetreden maar dat waren kleine tournees. Ik wil niet meer maandenlang van huis zijn. Deze tournee is een uitzondering, omdat ik op geweldige, idyllische plekken kan spelen.»

HUMO Plekken die je zelf hebt geselecteerd. Weinig muzikanten kunnen zomaar kiezen waar ze gaan spelen.

Costello «Dat is een luxe, dat snap ik wel. Maar ik wil gewoon genieten van elk moment dat ik op het podium sta. Ik heb in die ruim veertig jaar te veel dingen tegen mijn zin gedaan, nu leef ik voor die gelukkige momenten.»

HUMO Je hebt altijd graag opgetreden in België en Nederland: in je autobiografie ‘Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink’ uit 2015 blik je met veel warmte terug op de keren dat je in de Lage Landen op het podium hebt gestaan.

Costello «Ik heb relatief veel meer in België en in Nederland gespeeld dan in andere Europese landen. Beide landen waren erg belangrijk bij het begin van mijn carrière. Amsterdam was de eerste plek buiten Engeland waar ik ben gaan optreden, en in de zomer van 1978 is mijn Europese tournee op het vasteland gestart in de Ancienne Belgique in Brussel. Een geweldige zaal waar alles klopt, midden in het hart van de stad. Een jaar eerder had ik ook al één van mijn eerste concerten op een zomerfestival in België gegeven, de naam van het festival ontsnapt me nu (Jazz Bilzen, red.). Niet zo lang geleden stond ik trouwens nog in de Roma in Antwerpen, een prachtige theaterzaal in een multiculturele wijk. Zo’n locaties tillen je als artiest op. Daarom vond ik het zo belangrijk om zelf te kunnen kiezen waar ik zou staan.»

HUMO Nog even over die autobiografie: ik heb zelden een artiest zo openhartig en eerlijk over zijn leven weten vertellen.

Costello «Had je dan iets anders van mij verwacht? Kijk, ik ben nooit uit ijdelheid in de muziek gestapt. Ik kreeg twintig jaar geleden al de vraag om mijn memoires te schrijven, maar toen vond ik dat ik nog veel te weinig had meegemaakt.

»Het probleem is dat er tegenwoordig via het internet zoveel informatie de wereld wordt ingestuurd. Mensen hebben vaak al een mening over iemand zonder dat ze ook maar één noot muziek van die persoon gehoord hebben. Maar ik vond het geweldig om dat boek te schrijven, omdat ik kon terugkijken op het leven van mijn vader en opa. Zij waren het die mij al op jonge leeftijd op het juiste muzikale pad hebben gezet.»

HUMO Het viel me op hoe je van je songs nog precies weet wanneer en in welke omstandigheden je ze hebt geschreven.

Costello «Dat is echt heel raar. Songs kwamen vaak in een flits binnen. En dan heb ik het over de muziek én de teksten. Soms had ik er zes op een dag, soms wekenlang geen. Vaak zat ik in een auto of een trein en kwam er een song binnenglijden. Op die momenten veranderde ik in een soort van maniak en wilde ik zo snel mogelijk naar huis om het idee vast te leggen. Ik heb daar indertijd veel met Joe Strummer (frontman van The Clash, red.) over gesproken. Hij had dat ook. Joe was sowieso degene die mij het best begreep. Alleen was hij veel ambitieuzer. Hij wilde echt Amerika veroveren. Ik ook, maar toch wat minder fanatiek. Maar we namen allebei ons vak, songs schrijven, erg serieus. Dat is heel on-Engels. Engelsen hebben de neiging om alles belachelijk te maken.»

HUMO Chronologie is in ieder geval niet je sterkste kant: pas in hoofdstuk zes word je geboren.

Costello (lacht) «Mijn hoofd is net een op hol geslagen computer. Ik vergeet niets, maar de chaos is soms immens. Daarom lag die niet-chronologische aanpak het meest voor de hand. Sommige dingen heb ik ook ervaren als een droom: werken met al die grootheden, vreemde ontmoetingen en geweldige concerten. Je moet die dingen uit je hoofd zetten om verder te kunnen gaan. Ik ben nu 63 jaar en naar mijn gevoel heb ik nog een hele lange weg te gaan. Althans, dat hoop ik. Na zo’n boek kan je toch ook weer met een schone lei beginnen.»

HUMO Je hebt met de allergrootsten uit de muziek samengewerkt. Aan wie heb je de beste herinneringen?

Costello (blaast) «In een recensie van mijn biografie stonden alle namen op een rijtje: Bob Dylan, Chet Baker, Burt Bacharach, Johnny Cash, Paul McCartney, Roy Orbison, Allen Toussaint, Van Morrison en Joni Mitchell. Ik kan echt niet kiezen tussen hen. Maar ik kan je wel zeggen op welke samenwerking ik het meest trots ben: die met Allen Toussaint (op ‘The River in Reverse’ uit 2006, red.). Als je met hem een duet zong, zong je een duet met de geschiedenis van New Orleans én met die van de Britse popmuziek. The Beatles, The Stones, The Kinks... Ze zijn allemaal opgegroeid met de liedjes van Toussaint en zijn invloed hoor je onmiskenbaar in hun muziek. Hij dreigde echter een voetnoot in de muziekgeschiedenis te worden. Dat ik hem weer op de kaart heb gezet, zie ik nog altijd als een ultiem eerbetoon.»

HUMO Toen je vorig jaar een tournee ophing aan ‘Imperial Bedroom’, je meesterwerk uit 1982, zei je tijdens één van de optredens dat de vreemde zanglijnen op die plaat te danken zijn aan ‘een grote zak weed’. Was dat een grap?

Costello (lacht) «Niet helemaal. In die tijd was alcohol mijn voornaamste zonde: ik dronk erg veel omdat ik simpelweg niet om kon met alle aandacht. Toen ik de studio inging voor ‘Imperial Bedroom’ besloot ik om te stoppen met drinken. Daar werd ik zo zenuwachtig van dat ik een enorme zak marihuana kocht om weer rustig te worden. En dat is eraan te horen. Het was dus allemaal uit onzekerheid, niet omdat ik per se vernieuwend wou zijn.»

HUMO Was jouw imago van lastige, norse en zelfs onbenaderbare man ook te wijten aan die onzekerheid?

Costello «Het was allemaal zo nieuw voor mij. Weet je, ik heb nooit de ambitie gehad om op te treden met mijn muziek. Mijn idolen indertijd waren mensen zoals Burt Bacharach of Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier en Eddie Holland, songwriters die nummers voor anderen schreven. Ik had ook totaal niet wat ze nu de ‘x-factor’ noemen. Ik weet nog dat ik mijn debuutplaat opnam met de Californische band Clover, waar Huey Lewis toen in zat. Huey had alles om een ster te worden: hij was groot en blond, had een geweldige kop en was een fantastische zanger. Tegen alle voorspellingen in lukte het mij toch om door te breken maar diep vanbinnen ben ik nog altijd dat onzekere jongetje dat op zoek is naar bevestiging.»

leren relativeren

HUMO Ik sprak je al eens in 2003 in New York, toen ‘North’ uitkwam. Je was net gescheiden en had je huidige vrouw Diana Krall pas leren kennen. Hoe kijk je terug op die periode?

Costello «2003 was één van de moeilijkste jaren van mijn leven. Scheiden van een vrouw met wie je 18 jaar getrouwd bent geweest, gaat natuurlijk niet in je kouwe kleren zitten. Ik wil niet te veel uitweiden over mijn vorige huwelijk maar het was gewoon op. Dat ik zo snel nieuw geluk heb gevonden, mag met mijn karakter een wonder heten.»

HUMO Heb je veel van Diana geleerd?

Costello «Absoluut. Ik bewonder haar enorme talent, ze heeft een perfect muzikaal instinct. Ze heeft binnen een paar seconden door of iets werkt of niet. En ze heeft me leren relativeren. Het eerste wat Diana in de pers over onze relatie zei, was: ‘Ik ben bozer geworden en hij een stuk gelukkiger.’ (lacht) Geweldig. Deze zomer word ik 64 maar eerlijk gezegd voel ik me een stuk jonger dan pakweg tien jaar geleden.»

HUMO Hoe gaat het er thuis bij de familie Costello-Krall aan toe? Gaan alle gesprekken over muziek?

Costello «Integendeel, ik praat bijna nooit over muziek met Diana. Ik baal er ook van dat mensen zo lui en gemakzuchtig zijn om Diana en mij over dezelfde kam te scheren. Maar ik vind wel dat zij in haar carrière veel harder is aangepakt dan ik. Een jonge vrouw die gezegend is met een mooie stem en een geweldige pianotechniek, en die het lef heeft om haar eigen pad uit te zetten, daar heeft de jazzwereld het nog steeds moeilijk mee. Een mooie vrouw kan nu eenmaal geen piano spelen, tegen zo’n vooroordelen heeft ze heel lang moeten vechten. Terwijl het toch belachelijk is dat zij zich moet verontschuldigen omdat ze er goed uitziet?»

HUMO Tot slot: je woont al jaren in Amerika en je werkt al een tijdje aan een musical over demagogie en de macht van de media. Logische vraag: wat vind je van Donald Trump?

Costello «Ach, Donald Trump (lacht). Zullen we maar niet over hem beginnen? Het idee voor die musical zit ook al heel lang in mijn hoofd. Ik baseer me op het korte verhaal ‘A Face in the Crowd’ van Budd Schulberg. Dat gaat over hoe televisie in staat is om demagogen te creëren. Tv-zenders kunnen alles en iedereen manipuleren en dat vind ik beangstigend. Volgens mij denken heel veel mensen er net zo over als ik. Althans, dat hoop ik.»

Elvis Costello speelt op 2 en 3 juli in OLT Rivierenhof in Deurne. Beide concerten zijn uitverkocht.

Looking for the secret of Elvis Costello

Monday, June 11, 2018 - 17:41

'I'll be 64 this summer but I feel a lot younger than ten years ago'

'When you sang a duet with Allen Toussaint, you sang a duet with the history of New Orleans, but also with that of British pop music.'

Costello once said: "My biggest goal in life is to be found annoying." For years he succeeded effortlessly, by snapping journalists and drawing ugly pelvis from the stage to the public. But the 63-year-old Briton has become milder, especially since he married the Canadian jazz diva Diana Krall fifteen years ago and became a twin's father a few years later. We meet a jovial Costello in London, who is looking forward to his European tour. He selected the locations himself, such as the Openluchttheater Rivierenhof in Deurne.

HUMO You do not have a new record and yet you're touring Europe. You rarely do that.

Elvis Costello «I have been working very hard on the recordings for a new album in recent months, and I was mainly with my family. In between, I performed a lot, but these were small tours. I do not want to be away from home for months. This tour is an exception, because I can play in great, idyllic places. "

HUMO Places you have selected yourself. Few musicians can just choose where they will play.

Costello "That's a luxury, I understand that. But I just want to enjoy every moment that I stand on stage. In those over forty years I have done too many things against my will, now I live for those happy moments. "

HUMO You have always liked to perform in Belgium and the Netherlands: in your autobiography 'Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink' from 2015 you can look back on the times that you have been on stage in the Low Countries.

Costello «I have played relatively much more in Belgium and in the Netherlands than in other European countries. Both countries were very important at the beginning of my career. Amsterdam was the first place outside England where I went to perform, and in the summer of 1978 my European tour on the mainland started in the Ancienne Belgique in Brussels. A great room where everything is right, right in the heart of the city. A year earlier I had already given one of my first concerts at a summer festival in Belgium, the name of the festival now escapes me (Jazz Bilzen, ed.). Not so long ago I was still in the Roma in Antwerp, a beautiful theater in a multicultural neighborhood. Such locations will lift you up as an artist. That's why I thought it was so important to be able to choose where I would be. "

HUMO A little bit about that autobiography: I have rarely told an artist so frankly and honestly about his life.

Costello «Did you expect anything else from me? Look, I've never stepped into music from vanity. I was asked 20 years ago to write my memoirs, but then I found that I had not been through too much.

»The problem is that so much information is being sent to the world via the Internet today. People often already have an opinion about someone without having even heard one note of music from that person. But I loved to write that book because I could look back on the life of my father and grandfather. They were the ones who put me on the right musical path at a young age. "

HUMO I noticed how exactly you know about your songs when and under what circumstances you wrote them.

Costello "That's really weird. Songs often came in a flash. And then I am talking about the music and the lyrics. Sometimes I had six in one day, sometimes for weeks at a time. I often sat in a car or train and a song slipped. At those moments I changed into a kind of maniac and wanted to go home as soon as possible to capture the idea. At the time I talked a lot with Joe Strummer (frontman of The Clash, ed.). He had that too. Joe was the one who understood me the best. Only he was much more ambitious. He really wanted to conquer America. Me too, but a bit less fanatical. But we both took our profession, write songs, very seriously. That is very un-English. English people tend to ridicule everything. "

HUMO Timeline is certainly not your strongest side: you will only be born in chapter six.

Costello (laughs) «My head is like a runaway computer. I forget nothing, but the chaos is sometimes immense. That is why this non-chronological approach was the most obvious. I also experienced some things as a dream: working with all those greats, strange encounters and great concerts. You have to put those things out of your head to be able to continue. I am now 63 years old and I feel that I have a long way to go. At least, I hope so. After such a book you can also start with a clean slate again. "

HUMO You have with the greatest people from the music collaborated. To whom do you have the best memories?

Costello (blows) «In a review of my biography, all names were listed: Bob Dylan, Chet Baker, Burt Bacharach, Johnny Cash, Paul McCartney, Roy Orbison, Allen Toussaint, Van Morrison and Joni Mitchell. I really can not choose between them. But I can tell you on which collaboration I am most proud: the one with Allen Toussaint (on 'The River in Reverse' from 2006, ed.). When you sang a duet with him, you sang a duet with the history of New Orleans and with that of British pop music. The Beatles, The Stones, The Kinks ... They all grew up with the songs of Toussaint and you can clearly hear their influence in their music. However, he threatened to become a footnote in music history. That I have put him on the map again, I still see as an ultimate tribute. "

HUMO When you put on a tour of 'Imperial Bedroom' last year, your masterpiece from 1982, you said during one of the performances that the strange vocals on that album are due to 'a big bag of weed'. Was that a joke?

Costello (laughs) «Not quite. At that time alcohol was my main sin: I drank a lot because I simply could not handle it with all my attention. When I went into the studio for 'Imperial Bedroom' I decided to stop drinking. I became so nervous that I bought a huge bag of marijuana to calm down again. And you can hear that. So it was all out of uncertainty, not because I wanted to be innovative. "

HUMO Was your image of difficult, gruff and even inaccessible man also due to that insecurity?

Costello «It was all so new to me. You know, I never had the ambition to perform with my music. My idols at the time were people like Burt Bacharach or Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland, songwriters who wrote songs for others. I also did not have what they now call the 'x factor'. I remember recording my debut album with California band Clover, which Huey Lewis was in at the time. Huey had everything to become a star: he was big and blond, had a great head and was a fantastic singer. Against all predictions I managed to break through but deep inside I am still the uncertain boy who is looking for confirmation. "

learn to put things into perspective

HUMO I spoke to you once in 2003 in New York, when 'North' came out. You were just divorced and had met your current wife Diana Krall. How do you look back on that period?

Costello «2003 was one of the most difficult years of my life. Divorcing a woman with whom you have been married for 18 years is of course not in your cool clothes. I do not want to elaborate on my previous marriage but it was just gone. That I have found new happiness so quickly can be called a miracle with my character. "

HUMO Did you learn a lot from Diana?

Costello «Absolutely. I admire her enormous talent, she has a perfect musical instinct. She has something or does not work within a few seconds. And she taught me to put things into perspective. The first thing that Diana said about our relationship in the press was: "I've become angrier and he's happier." (Laughs) Great. This summer I turn 64 but to be honest, I feel a lot younger than about ten years ago. "

HUMO How does it work at home with the Costello-Krall family? Are all conversations about music going?

Costello «On the contrary, I almost never talk about music with Diana. I also suspect that people are so lazy and easy-going to shave Diana and me over the same ridge. But I do think that she has been tackled much harder in her career than I am. A young woman who is blessed with a beautiful voice and a great piano technique, and who has the courage to set her own path, the jazz world still struggles with it. A beautiful woman simply can not play the piano, she has had to fight for such a long time against such prejudices. While it is ridiculous that she must apologize because she looks good? "

HUMO Finally, you have been living in America for years and you have been working for a while on a musical about demagogy and the power of the media. Logical question: what do you think of Donald Trump?

Costello «Ah, Donald Trump (laughs). Shall we not start about him? The idea for that musical has also been in my head for a long time. I base myself on the short story 'A Face in the Crowd' by Budd Schulberg. That is about how television is able to create demagogues. TV channels can manipulate everything and everyone and I find that frightening. I think a lot of people think about it as much as I do. At least, I hope so. "

Elvis Costello will play at OLT Rivierenhof in Deurne on 2 and 3 July. Both concerts are sold out.
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by verbal gymnastics »

I love this interview - I hope the translation is pretty accurate as I never knew about the Joe Strummer bit.

I also love the line about his head being like a runaway computer.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by Offshoreram »

Just got this email from the promoters (thanks to Google translate)

I might wear my England top :D

The match against England has finally been played. On Monday, July 2, our Red Devils will play against Japan. Out of respect for Elvis Costello and for the concert to take place in optimal conditions, OLT Rivierenhof has decided to broadcast the match of the Devils on a big screen. On presentation of your admission ticket for the Elvis Costello concert you can attend the match free of charge in the open-air theater.
The doors open at 19:00, the live broadcast starts immediately with the previews. At 20:00 the match of the Red Devils starts and we call our team to victory!
After the match of the Belgians the concert of Elvis Costello starts.
My head is spinning and my legs are weak
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Let’s hope the England game isn’t the only entertainment you see that evening. Fingers crossed.
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by Offshoreram »

I'm going on the Monday so it's Belgium v Japan thats being shown.

I'll be back home for the England v Colombia game. I don't think the Belgians will be too bothered about showing that before Elvis takes the stage on the Tuesday night :D
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by jardine »

also liked this "I just want to enjoy every moment that I stand on stage. In those over forty years I have done too many things against my will, now I live for those happy moments." i always had a vague, unconfirmed sense that there was something desperate about the touring lately, something about Ross as well?

I was very glad to read this.
Last edited by jardine on Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by johnfoyle »

Who's going ?
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by Man out of Time »

Offshoreram wrote:Just got this email from the promoters (thanks to Google translate)

The match against England has finally been played. On Monday, July 2, our Red Devils will play against Japan. Out of respect for Elvis Costello and for the concert to take place in optimal conditions, OLT Rivierenhof has decided to broadcast the match of the Devils on a big screen. On presentation of your admission ticket for the Elvis Costello concert you can attend the match free of charge in the open-air theater.
The doors open at 19:00, the live broadcast starts immediately with the previews. At 20:00 the match of the Red Devils starts and we call our team to victory!
After the match of the Belgians the concert of Elvis Costello starts.
So, presumably the match could go to extra time, and then penalties, so the show might be really quite late starting?

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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 & 3, 2018

Post by Goon Squad »

Man out of Time wrote:
Offshoreram wrote:Just got this email from the promoters (thanks to Google translate)

The match against England has finally been played. On Monday, July 2, our Red Devils will play against Japan. Out of respect for Elvis Costello and for the concert to take place in optimal conditions, OLT Rivierenhof has decided to broadcast the match of the Devils on a big screen. On presentation of your admission ticket for the Elvis Costello concert you can attend the match free of charge in the open-air theater.
The doors open at 19:00, the live broadcast starts immediately with the previews. At 20:00 the match of the Red Devils starts and we call our team to victory!
After the match of the Belgians the concert of Elvis Costello starts.
So, presumably the match could go to extra time, and then penalties, so the show might be really quite late starting?

I bet they haven't thought of that ! :roll:
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by Neil. »

I hope Belgium win cos the atmosphere's gonna be shite if they lose x
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by sweetest punch »


01. Wonder Woman
02. Miracle Man
03. Clubland
04. Tears Before Bedtime
05. Girl’s Talk
06. Chelsea
07. Come The Meantimes
08. Watching The Detectives
09. You Shouldn’t Look At Me That Way
10. Good Year For The Roses
11. Beyond Belief
12. Waiting For The End Of The World
13. I Want You
14. Alison - Track Of My Tears
15. A Face In The Crowd
16. Shot With His Own Gun
17. Accident Will Happen
18. She
19. Adieu Paris (L’ envie Des Etoiles)
20. Oliver’s Army
21. Pump It Up
22. (What’s So Funny About) Peace, Love And Understanding
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by sweetest punch »

‘How is your bloodpressure?’: https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20180702_03594935
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by johnfoyle »

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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by Offshoreram »

A beautiful setting but slightly surreal build up to the show

No one expected Japan to take the lead never mind go two up. I think I was the only one cheering Japan’s goals but I was also thinking Elvis would have to play the gig of his like to lift the crowd
Belgium duly fought back and scored a late, late winner which set the crowd jumping up on their feet. Thank goodness as I was expecting extra time and penalties which would have pushed Elvis back by another 45 minutes

As it was the screen was switched off straight after the final whistle and Elvis took the stage at 22.12

A really good, crowd friendly set. Elvis’ voice started fine but cracked a bit mid set. It didn’t stop him going for it on occasions especially on a really dramatic I Want You. I’ve never heard that ending before. Is it a rework or was that another song smashed in at the end? Probably the highlight of an all round good performance and enjoyable show.
Other highlight was Come the Meantime which I can’t recall hearing live before. Maybe it was just me but Elvis also seemed to be hitting the guitar solos more than normal.

The show ended about ten past midnight and I was through the annoying mosquitos in the park to catch the tram and was in the hotel just before one

An excellent night all round. Hopefully I’ll be home before the England v Colombia match
My head is spinning and my legs are weak
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis and The Imposters, Antwerp (Belgium), July 2 , 2018

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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