Italian interview with Elvis

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Italian interview with Elvis

Post by johnfoyle » ... iew?page=2

Di PG Brunelli

Canzoni d’amore (per Diana Krall?) magnificamente
orchestrate e dai toni molto personali. Questo è
“North” il nuovo album di Elvis Costello che arriva a
celebrare 25 anni di carriera. Il momento di Costello,
però non si ferma qui, perché assieme al nuovo lavoro
c’è un processo di riscoperta del passato che è in
fase di completa ristampa.

Guardare al passato fa paura o fa sorridere?

“Mah, entrambe, perché è comunque ricordare momenti di
una vita passata. È quasi come se io non fossi più
quella persona. C’è, quindi, un certo senso di
distacco e di obiettività che mi fa essere molto
onesto con me stesso. Mi hanno chiesto di scrivere le
note di copertina degli album e alcune sono veramente
scritte a cuore aperto, tanto che mi chiedo come abbia
fatto a registrare un certo album nello stato nervoso
in cui ero in quel determinato momento. Debbo
aggiungere che non mi pongo mai innanzi alle canzoni
con un atteggiamento nostalgico e le posso
interpretare ancora con lo spirito giusto.”

Hai recentemente ritrovato la vena giusta anche
durante i concerti. Sei stato riscoperto dal pubblico?

“A me non sembra di essere mai andato via. Il pubblico
c’è sempre stato, ma, come tante cose, va a cicli. I
concerti in questo momento mi coinvolgono molto,
perché la band che mi accompagna (The Impostors) è
eccezionale ed io mi sento veramente a mio agio sul

Che cosa dici a chi ti fa notare che praticamente gli
Impostors sono gli Attractions, il gruppo storico che
ti aiutava in passato, con una paio di alterazioni?

“Faccio loro notare che le differenze sono sostanziali
a livelli umano. Con gli Attractions c’erano tensioni
personali che con questa formazione non ci sono. Se
sali sul palco e ti accorgi che non ti stai divertendo
o se ci sono forze interne che ti spingono in
direzioni in cui non ti interessa andare, allora ti
rendi conto di essere nella situazione sbagliata e
devi cambiarla”.

Esiste un filo rosso che accomuna ‘North’ con le cose
che hai fatto negli ultimi venticinque anni?

“A volte mi sembra proprio che non ci sia nulla in
comune. Il rock/punk di ‘My Aim Is True’, per esempio
ti aggrediva. Questo nuovo album, invece deve essere
ascoltato con calma, con pazienza. Ci sono
arrangiamenti con sfumature che non si notano subito.
È un disco quieto, con emozioni concentrate che se
suonato dal vivo trova la sua collocazione ideale in
un piccolo teatro con la gente che sta seduta. È anche
vero che un atteggiamento artistico di questo genere,
con questi arrangiamenti e queste orchestrazioni, era
già stato toccato quando ho lavorato con Burt
Bacharach. È un aspetto che mi interessa molto e che
ho ulteriormente esplorato recentemente in una
rielaborazione di ‘Sogno di una notte di mezza estate’
di Shakespeare”.

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Post by RedShoes »

Ok, um...who can translate this? :)
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Post by Elfslut »

yes, translation least if you go to the get the pretty north photo.

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Post by ReadyToHearTheWorst »

Of PG Brunelli

Songs of love (for Diana Krall) magnificently orchestrated and
from the tones many personal. This is "North" the new album of Elvis
Costello that succeeds in to celebrate 25 years of career. The moment
of I stud here, but not firm, because together to the new job there is
a riscoperta process of of the past that is in phase of complete

To watch to the past ago makes fear or sorridere?

"Mah, both, because it is however to remember moments of one last
life. She is nearly like if I not pits more that person. There is,
therefore, a sure sense of separation and objectivity that it makes me
to be much honest one with same me. They have asked to me to write
notes of cover of a album and some truly are written to opened heart,
as well as that I ask myself as it has made to record a sure album in
the nervous state in which I was in that determined moment. I must add
that I never do not place myself innanzi to the songs with a nostalgic
attitude and I can still interpret to them with the just spirit."

You have recently found again the just vein also during the concerts.
Six state riscoperto from the public?

"To me it does not seem of never to have gone via. The public always
has been, but, like many things, he goes to cycles. The concerts in
this moment are involved me a lot, because the band that The Impostors
accompanies me () is exceptional and I feel myself truly to my comfort
on the theater box ".

Which thing you say who points out you that practically the Impostors
is the Attractions, the historical group that helped you in past, with
one pair of alterations?

"I point out they that the differences are substantial to levels
human. With the Attractions there were personal tensions that with
this formation not are. If it knows them on the theater box and you
notice that you are not amusing yourself or if there are inner forces
that they push to you in directions in which it does not interest to
you to go, then you become account of being in the mistaken situation
and must change it ".

Exists a red thread that joins ` North' with the things that you have
made in the last venticinque years?

"To times me it seems just that not there is null in common. Rock/punk
of ` My the Aim Is True', as an example it assaulted to you. This new
album, instead must be listened to with calm, patience. There are
agreements with shadings that are not noticed endured. It is a quiet
disc, with emotions concentrated that if played from the alive one
finds its ideal positioning in a small theatre with the people that
are seated. It is also true that an artistic attitude of this kind,
with these agreements and these orchestrazioni, already had been
touched when I have worked with Burt Bacharach. It is an aspect that
interests me a lot and that I have ulteriorly explored recently in one
rework of ` Dream of one night of average estate' of Shakespeare ".

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Post by johnfoyle »

Jens - see his E.C. site at

- sent me this. ... iew?page=2

Hi John,


No, not many exciting news in the italian interview. I
have tried to
it, but Italian is only my fourth language...anyway
here it is:


By PG Brunelli

Magnificantly orchestrated love songs (for Diana
Krall?) in very
tones. This is North, the new album by Elvis Costello,
which celebrates
25th year of his career.
This is not Costello's only moment, because along with
the new album,
he is in
the process of re-discovering the past by preparing a
complete series
of re-

Does looking at the past scare you or make you laugh?

"Well, both, because in anyway it is remembering
moments of a times
gone by.
It is almost as if I wan't that person.
After all there is a certain sense of separation and
objectivity which
makes me
look very honestly at myself.
They asked me to write the liner notes of the
re-releases, and some of
them are
really written with an
open heart, and I asked myself how I could have
recorded a certain
album in the
nervous state I was in at that moment.
I must add that I have never had a nostalgic attitude
towards the songs
and I
can still interpret them with the right spirit."

Recently you seem to have found new energy, also
during your concerts.
Have you
been rediscovered by the audience?

"I don't think I have ever been away. The audience has
always been
there, but
like with many other things it comes and goes.
I feel very well about the concerts in this period,
because the band
that backs
me up (The Imposters) is exceptional and therefore I
very well on stage!"

What do you say to those who say that practically The
Imposters are the
same as
The Attractions, the band that backed you up in the

"I tell them that the differences are to be found on
the personal
level. There
was a lot of personal tension with The Attractions,
which there isn't
with the
new formation.
If you go on stage and you find that you are not
enjoying it or that
there are
internal forces that pushes you in directions in which
you have no
in going, then you realise that you are in an
unhealthy situation, and
that you
should change that situation.

Is there a thread that binds North
together...something that summons up
you have been doing for the last 25 years?

"Sometimes it seems that it has nothing in common.
F.ex the rock/punk
of My Aim
Is True attacks you. The new album
has to be listened to with calm, with patience. There
are arrangements
subtle tones that you don't hear immediately. It is
a quiet album, with a lot of emotions, which - if
played live - finds
ideal place in a small theatre, where people can sit
down and listen.

It is also true that an artistic attitude of this
kind, with these
and orchestrations, already has been explored when I
worked with Burt
Bacharach. It is something that interests me a lot,
and I have recently
hands with it when I wrote the orchestral score for
interpretation of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's

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Post by laughingcrow »

:lol: 'only' his fourth language! What, after mandarin, ancient latin and medieval french?
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Post by Gillibeanz »

I prefer ready to hear the worsts version myself! :lol:
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Yes, what Jens said. Good translation considering.
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