Tell Me What You Think...

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Tell Me What You Think...

Post by taz »

Recently our website has grown extensively in the number of hits per day and the total bandwidth used. This couldn't make me more happy as more and more people (significant others even now!) join to talk about Elvis and all things music.

However, to defray some of the mildly increasing costs I wanted to run an idea past everybody and get some opinions. My idea is to have a link to on our website, something that if you were going to order from them anyway you could click on and then use their site as you normally would. This would give our page a percentage of any purchases that you made after clicking that link.

Let me know your thoughts and opinions on this. If you guys feel it would distract in some way from the board than the idea will be shelved.

A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fuckin' cross? It's kind of like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on.
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Post by DrSpooky »

Taz. I wouldn't be offended by this suggestion, any other affiliate program (no pyramids though), or even if you wanted to setup an account to directly take PayPal donations.

As some of you might know, I run an open source software project and thus am familiar with how people pay their bills giving away softwere.

I know some open source sites go so far that they make the site books public. Some go so far as to have a set of people -- rather than just one -- responsible for monitoring the money and bills. Those sites usually have a page with something like:

ISP Cost per month or year: XXX
money received from Amazon: YYY
donation from person : AAA
anonymous donations: : ZZZ

money in account:

shortage to pay bills this month:
shortage to pay bills for the next year:

If the ISP will offer a discount for paying a few months or year at a time, the board's goal should be to take advantage of that.

I don't know if anyone would buy but it is also possible to use with a logo. The Tribute CD could have shirts. And someone could prepare a few with cases, labels and sell them for enough to pay some costs.

I am not offended by this and properly explained, no one else should be either. This might also help prevent the situation where (sadly) the board patron (you in this case) gets sick, distracted, etc. and can't pay attention to the board or pay its bills. We have seen this happen before and can set things up to prevent it from occurring again.

Sorry to be long winded.

Critically, do you need help paying a few months of bills for the ISP?

Post by selfmademug »

My two cents, or possibly more:

- I have no problems with ads. I mean, sure it's better without them, but I look past them for much less interesting content than this, you know?

- I think Amazon or another purchasing link is a great idea if that brings the site more money. I use Amazon for various things and could just as easily do it through a link here. One of the discount CD sites (CDnow, etc.)would be equally good or better, but I don't know if Amazon asks some sort of exclusivity; I assume they do, and that they pay better.

- I'd be more than happy to make a direct contribution for anything that's going on now, or bills that need to paid pronto-- PM me to give me details.

- I love the idea of a t-shirt. Whether it could make any significant money is another question, but it's fun to think about. There are some amazing graphics to be lifted from all the Rhino re-issues.
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Post by Pov »

I have no problem with the Amazon link. I buy from them a lot, so now I have to remember to come here first to click on the link.

I'd also make a donation if you set up a paypal account.
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Post by Misha »

I'm with POV, do you have a payPal account, and if so, how about letting us know so that we can help pay for this monster? 8)
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